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Online Behind-The-Wheel

Have you Started or Plan on Starting an Online Course Through Another Company?

Students can still accomplish their 8 hours of Behind-The-Wheel through Prestige if they used an online provider for their 24 hours of classroom!



Students, under 18, are required to have 24 hours of classroom and 8 hours of Behind-The-Wheel with a licenced driving school before they can test for their licence.


There are many online providers to choose from. Online courses are self-paced and an option for those students who have very busy schedules.


We recommend calling us and setting up your Behind-The-Wheel lessons before starting your online course.


Certificate of Completion - Students will be mailed/emailed their Certificate of Completion from their online course once they finish their course. This is required to drive and you MUST bring in a copy with you to your first in-car session. 


We will make the Final Course Certificate (Needed at the BMV) once the student completes their 8 hours of Behind-The-Wheel AND we have your Certificate of Completion from your online course.


Please plan on 3 business days for us to make Final Course Certificate.



8 Hours BTW Only





Please give us a call at 614-933-3170 to check our Behind-The-Wheel availability